



YP官网示优官方账号 2023-05-11 资讯 440 views 0





1. 采集样品:

The first step in the FTIR testing process is sample collection. The sample can be in solid, liquid or gas form and must be representative of the material to be tested.

2. 加样:

The second step involves adding the sample to a suitable holder, such as KBr pellets or NaCl plates. It is important to select an appropriate holder that does not interfere with signal quality during measurement.

3. 生成光谱:

The third step is to generate the spectrum by passing infrared light through the sample and detector with an interferometer, which separates the beam into two paths. The difference between these paths generates a signal that is sent to a computer for analysis.

4. 数据处理:

The final step in FTIR testing involves data processing, where derived spectra are analyzed using specialized software tools. This can include peak identification, fingerprinting (a comparison of unknown samples with known standards), or other spectral calculations.


Infrared Radiation:

Infrared (IR) radiation refers to electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 4000 to 400 cm-1 (wavelengths of about 2.5 microns to 25 microns). These wavelengths correspond roughly to the molecular vibrations of chemical bonds and are used in FTIR spectroscopy because they allow sensitive detection of changes in molecular structure or composition.


A typical interferometer consists of an IR source, two mirrors placed at right angles reflecting perpendicular beams onto a single point, and eventually through a sample cell before the signal reaches a detector such as mercury cadmium telluride or deuterated triglycine sulfate.

In FTIR spectroscopy, an interferogram is produced when monochromatic light passes through both halves of a beam splitter – one half directed towards reference mirror; another half passed through sample material before reaching a detector. Fourier transform is used to convert the interferogram into more useful information that can be displayed on a spectrum.

Spectral Interpretation:

Once the FTIR has generated an absorbance spectrum, it is important to interpret this data correctly. Sometimes spectral interpretation merely involves identifying characteristic absorption bands and correlating them with known functional groups present in common organic compounds.



In addition, IR radiation allows for sensitive detection of changes in molecular structure or composition, providing valuable information about chemical properties and potential interactions. Ultimately, FTIR testing is an essential technique that helps advance scientific research across many fields and industries.




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